A re-interpretation of the ferryman's guerdon, the coin that the newly dead must pay to Charon to cross the River Styx. This pendant is made from precious metal clay - it is fine silver, ie., .999 pure silver. It is approximately 27mm in diameter.
The patina on the piece was applied using liver of sulphur. (Please note that the patina has not been fixed and will change over time.) The pendant is stamped with a quotation from "Hamlet" - "a fellow of infinite jest" - which is a reference to Yorick, the court fool whose skull Hamlet uncovers during the course of the play.
I made this pendant back in 2008 as part of a set of three - I sold one last year and the third one remains in my collection. For more information on this design, please see my blog post here: http://strandsofbeads.blogspot.com/2008/07/memento-mori.html